I was born in New Jersey July 13, 1969, Sunday morning at two o’clock. I lived there until I was five, and then I moved to Pennsylvania. I lived there until I was almost forty years of age and came up here in 2009 and have been here ever since. It will be seven years in July.
What brought me here was that I was doing a phone operator job in California. I did it late at night - from midnight to eight o’clock in the morning. After spending all night working, I met one of my clients. And he came down to my apartment. I picked him up from the airport, brought him down for about two weeks. We really got to know each other and then he moved to Missouri. We went here, we went there - I got to like him a lot. He says “let’s get something done”. I said “what?” “Move to Springfield, Missouri.” So that’s how I got here to Springfield.
I went to college, I mean, in my day. But every time I went to college it was like there was a setback. I’m a straight A student - and every time I try to study for a career, something always happens to me. I’m thinking about going back because I’m working now full time. And a lot of people try to talk me out of it. Today’s a gift - what can you do to make a better future for yourself? We’re all here for a reason and a purpose. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Some people say “look at what my parents did” - but go stretch to the next level, don’t become a victim of life’s circumstances but rise above it like an eagle and soar and fly high.