“When I Feel Loved”
I’ve been through a lot of things when it comes to family, racism, and friends. Sometimes people will talk about my race, and I don’t think it’s okay. It should have stopped a long time ago, but it happens to a lot of other people too. I feel like only being 11 and dealing with racism is strange and it’s not right. I can forgive most of the time, but it makes me angry.
When I was little, my brother would get into trouble a lot and we were fearful. We spent years like that, but he’s doing much better now. I remember not meeting my dad until I was about three. My brother and I used to spend some time with him, but he ran off and left again and it’s been about seven years since I’ve seen him or communicated with him.
My mental health impacts me by making me feel like I’m not in control. I struggle with being rude and not being able to control what I say. When I say something, I instantly regret it. It makes me feel better when I apologize. The hardest thing I’m dealing with is racism and keeping friends.
I would tell someone dealing with similar issues to stay strong and try to keep calm. I want people to understand that when I say something that might be offensive, I don’t want people to think I’m always like that. I’m a really loving person. When I feel loved I feel like I’m home.