The YOU MATTER Movement


Our “Backstories” share a deeper ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at some of our stories, exhibitions and experiences in the making. It gives a snapshot into the moments that collectively went into creating the work we get to do every day. Sometimes it’s a more intimate portrait of one of our team here at RB/8 Billion Ones, and sometimes it’s about one of our incredible story heroes. Regardless, it’s our way of showing you a little more transparency so you get to witness the magic in so many of these moments the way we do.

Behind the scenes : "Standing Together" Exhibition


7 Billion Ones and Randy Bacon Photography are proud and honored to announce a very special partnership with Harmony House to create a major exhibition project entitled  “Standing Together: Portraits and Stories of Domestic Abuse”.  Without giving too much away...this exhibition will be the first of its kind and unlike anything ever created around the topic of domestic violence. This is an issue that society often puts behind closed doors, but in reality the devastating ripple of domestic abuse is felt deeply in every level of a community.  We strongly believe that by shining a spotlight on domestic violence and creating a powerful voice, “ Standing Together” will move the needle in a big way toward ending domestic abuse.   

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“Over the past two weeks I have been introduced to some of the bravest and most resilient people I have ever met in my life. As we began production on the portraits and interviews for “Standing Together” I quickly realized that I will never be the same after experiencing this project. 


I have met brave individuals that have looked domestic violence and abuse in the face and made the choice to say ‘no more’. This is an issue that Randy and I are both very passionate about. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of violence by an intimate partner. How many people do you know? That is a scary statistic…and we don’t talk about it. We need to start having these conversations and they can’t be hushed. This project will give domestic abuse the megaphone voice it needs in the Springfield community and in communities across the nation.  - Amy (7 Billion Ones Movement Director)

The mission of Harmony House is to provide shelter, advocacy and education to survivors of domestic violence and promote the principle that all individuals have the right to a life free of abuse.

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