The YOU MATTER Movement


Our “Backstories” share a deeper ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at some of our stories, exhibitions and experiences in the making. It gives a snapshot into the moments that collectively went into creating the work we get to do every day. Sometimes it’s a more intimate portrait of one of our team here at RB/8 Billion Ones, and sometimes it’s about one of our incredible story heroes. Regardless, it’s our way of showing you a little more transparency so you get to witness the magic in so many of these moments the way we do.

"Why we do 7 Billion Ones"


So why do we put so much time and effort into this movement called 7 Billion Ones (7B1's)? It's simple - we believe you matter and your story counts, even though our world presents the opposite at times. Everyone is so busy walking around judging, analyzing, looking at others with a "measurement" chart of who is the coolest, smartest, prettiest, funniest, etc. We compute people all day, scrambling over what we choose to say, how we say it. Are we impressing others? Is someone else impressing me? How do we look, what do we wear? Don't we usually love people the most when we get to know who they really are? 

With 7B1's, people have a chance to just say the heck with can be "you" and help others with your unique journey. It's the sheer power of one story at a time that is changing our world. For example, this is the backstory on Fallon's Story "One Life To Live", which we featured recently. Fallon took the step and reached out to 7B1's with her story of dealing with major illnesses. We traveled to Kansas City and met her for the first time. When we saw Fallon in a coffee shop on the Plaza, we thought someone so beautiful and healthy looking couldn't possibly be so ill.  Fallon is model thin with perfect skin, amazing hair, and she is one of the smartest and most charming individuals we've met. Then her story poured out and moved us to tears. We have met a lot of inspirational people in our lives, but Fallon takes the prize.  

So what happened after we posted her story?  Fallon says, "I have gotten so much amazing feedback from my story! A lot of people are reaching out to me on my college campus who are dealing with "invisible illnesses." It has been incredible because I'm now using my story to help so many! I am so blessed to be part of 7 Billion Ones!"

Thank you to Fallon and the hundreds upon hundreds of others that are making a difference in this world through this movement. Your bravery to share your stories and love for other people clearly reminds us why we do this thing called 7 Billion Ones  - this is our life's passion and know the best is yet to come!

(story by Shannon and Randy)

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