The YOU MATTER Movement


“Candid Stories” is our way to share people’s stories that we don’t have the privilege of meeting with in person to photograph and capture their story in our usual format. Each of these stories are equally important to every story we have the honor of sharing on 8 Billion Ones, and we strongly believe in the power they have to connect people all over the world to real hope, healing and community.


Share Your Story? Yes!

We are constantly blown away by the large number of people that submit their powerful and important stories, so we created “Candid Stories” as a way to share people’s stories that we don’t have the privilege of meeting with in person to photograph and capture their story in our usual format. 

Each of these stories are equally important to every story we have the honor of sharing on 8 Billion Ones, and we strongly believe in the power they have to connect people all over the world to real hope, healing and community.

Introductory video for "7 Billion Ones" - The You Matter Movement There are over 7 billion people in the world. That's 7 billion brains to think. 7 billion hearts to feel. 7 billion souls to… be. In these spaces, these places, with 7 billion souls swimming about through this universe we call home, it is easy to feel lost in the shuffle. To feel forgotten and alone. To feel like one in 7 billion, rather than focusing on this: One. The miracle is that throughout these places, these spaces, filled with commotion, filled with darkness or maybe filled with light -- you are still one. And one has power. So throughout life, we’re faced with scenarios. Things we can’t control, and things we can. These in totality make up our stories. Our stories are vastly different from one another, but our stories can’t exist without each other. As one, you matter and your story counts. Your story counts for you, and it counts for the next one. And the next one. And the next one. The significance of one is that -- without the ones -- without you and your story, we wouldn’t be 7 billion.

Randy Bacon