Ozarks Tonight: The Road I Call Home
Randy talks with KOLR 10 Anchor, John Adams, about The Road I Call Home Exhibition at the Springfield Art Museum. WATCH HERE

Around The Ozarks- Radio Interview The Road I Call Home
Randy talk to Scott Myer, General Manager for Midwest Family Broadcasting, about the journey and growth of 7 Billion Ones and The Road I Call Home exhibition opening at the Springfield Art Museum. Listen to the entire interview HERE.

The Road I Call Home Opening Exhibition- KOLR 10 Coverage
KOLR 10 coverage of the The Road I Call Home Exhibition at the Springfield Art Museum with over 45 brand new portraits and stories of our homeless friends. Watch HERE

Ozarks Tonight: 7 Billion Ones
Randy talks with KOLR 10 Anchor, Heather Lewis, about the 7 Billion Ones story movement and how it aspires to empower people to change the world. WATCH HERE

KY3 News - It Knows No Face - Opening exhibit during November 2018's First Friday Art Walk
Joe Hickman met with Randy Bacon, Stephanie Appleby, and Mary Jane Holmes to talk about the public opening for It Knows No Face - Portraits, Stories & Short Films of suicide Survivors.

It Knows No Face - KGBX iHeartMedia
Founder Randy Bacon and It Knows No Face team member and storyteller Stephanie Appleby, speak with Kevin & Liz about It Knows No Face - Portraits, Stories & Short Films of suicide survivors.

It Knows No Face - KOLR 10 Interview
The portraits, stories and short films of seventeen suicide survivors. Watch Founder of 7 Billion Ones and Photographer/Filmmaker, Randy Bacon, with Stephanie Appleby, Marketing Director for the Southwest Missouri’s NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - speak about the opening exhibit on Friday, Nov. 2nd, and their passion, vision and purpose behind this project.

It Knows No Face - Springfield News-Leader
“As part of a new portrait art and short film project, 17 suicide survivors who shared their stories with Springfield photographer Randy Bacon.”
Read the Springfield News-Leader article HERE

KOLR 10 News: 'Randy Bacon Talks Inspiration Behind Gallery' - Ozarks First
Watch the full 'Web Extra' Here.

KOLR 10 News: 'The Road I Call Home' Photography Exhibit - MSU Brick City Gallery
"With record low temperatures for April tonight, there's a group of people who may be more affected than most.
Photographer-artist Randy Bacon's most recent project "The Road I Call Home" features 40 portraits of homeless people and their stories.
Some subjects were at the reception Friday night at Brick City Gallery and said nights with cold weather are nights they dread.
Bacon started this project 3 years ago traveling around the world taking pictures of the homeless.
He said this project changed his life."

A Voice for the Voiceless
CLICK HERE to read the full article by Genevieve Cottraux for Humane Harold.

Springfield News-Leader - March 28, 2018
"I found that so many of the homeless are the most kind, loving, down-to-earth and interesting people I know with life stories that need to be shared." - Founder + Photographer Randy Bacon
Full article HERE

Professional Photographer Magazine - "A Story in Every Face"