The YOU MATTER Movement


“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”

— Mother Teresa


Are you part of a nonprofit or humanitarian organization who could use some help telling your important story? Or maybe, you are a corporation, business or group that wants to get in the trenches of compassion with us and help people. So whether it is orphan care, water wells, human trafficking, homelessness, alleviating poverty, AIDS relief, encouraging those with cancer, addictions, disaster relief, mental illness, disabilities and on and on, 8 Billion Ones helps companies and organizations with people-centered missions, as our mission is also people-centered.

8 Billion Ones has partnered with a multitude of organizations, groups and nonprofits, locally and internationally that cover a variety of projects, some of which are on-going, all with hearts on fire for compassion to impact, empower, improve and help mankind. For some that is to bring awareness to the people they serve, for some it is to aide in ending the stigma around a specific topic, or show a raw, truthful perspective around an issue or marginalized group of people... this is an incredible way to show the heart behind an organization, grow and strengthen the people you serve and your audience/consumers, and create lasting change that truly impacts people and makes the world a better place.


Here Are Some World Changers We’ve Worked With

Do you want to partner with us? If you're interested in finding out how we can work together to change lives and make the world a better place, bring awareness and real change to a topic, highlight the wonderful people you serve, or have stories that need to be shared, please fill out the form below. We'd love to talk to you about how we can further the mission of what you do and bring hope and healing to the people you serve, and the thousands upon thousands of people all over the world engaging in the 8 Billion Ones community.