The YOU MATTER Movement


Blake Interview "I Love Everyone"



Why do many of us, as "adults",  make things so complicated when it gets down to basic concepts of happiness? When and why did many of us lose the childlike zest for life?"

We fell in love with Madi's story about her brother, Blake (see story below). Blake is an endearing 32-year-old, yet mentally he is age 8. However, he exhibits a wisdom and outlook on life that most adults (or people at any age) can truly learn from!  He had a huge impact on us and our readers!  So we decided it was time to hear what Blake had to say about living life. Here is his interview (be prepared to be blown away). 

Blake's interview I love everyone 7 billion ones randy bacon photography

1. Favorite superhero and why?

Blake: "Jesus. I love all my favorite superheroes, especially Aquaman's nemesis, Black Manta, because he is a trouble maker."


2. Why is love so important to you?

Blake: "Because I love Jesus and he tells me to love you."


3. Why, Blake, do you love people so much?

Blake: "Because they are all my buddies."

Blake's interview I love everyone 7 billion ones randy bacon photography


4. If you could change anything in the world, what would it be?

Blake: "I wouldn't change anything, I would stay here where I belong."


5. Why do you like to hug people?

Blake: "Because I love them. I love everyone."


6. What makes you sad? Happy?

Blake: "Happy- my stinker buddies make me happy, cuddling with my ornery pooches, and my rascal buddy pastor Gary. Spending time with meme and papa.

Sad- when people smoke because it hurts their little lungs." (Blake didn't like this question very much!)


7. What is your dream in life?

Blake: "You. And to meet Ben Affleck as the pointy eared rodent Batman."

Blake's interview I love everyone 7 billion ones randy bacon photography


8. What tips would you tell other people on how to live a happy life?

Blake: "Go on a nice romantic date with someone you love. And don't worry about stupid ornery diets. Play with some fuzz ball canines and have fun with your mom."


9. Final Comment from Blake's sister, Madi:

Madi: "Now Blake wants to run for president! Although we told him it's a stressful job so he changed his mind and said, 'I think I will just just run for mayor!'" 

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