The YOU MATTER Movement


Theresa and Brad - Chapter 2 "Sweet Sixteen"

Photography by Randy Bacon

"It is hard to believe we will be celebrating 16 years of marriage  on October 30! Time really does go by fast when you are having fun.  Although we have had many wonderful memories to be thankful for over the last 16 years, we have had our hardships with health and finance, but our love and respect for each other has grown and it sustained us through it all. Love did exactly what it is suppose to do….…get you through the hard stuff."

Theresa and Brad
Theresa and Brad

When I think about some of the things that make a relationship work, I realize it is not about big fireworks. It is found in the day to day kindliness of  please and thank you, empathizing, giving a needed hug, finishing each one other's sentences, knowing what the other is saying just by looking at them.  Also, finding humor in life, we still make each other laugh until our stomachs hurt, it keeps us young. And, generosity,  we still try to give the other the biggest piece of pie. Lastly, chivalry is still alive, my Bradley still opens the door for me after all these years. But the greatest thing about our story…our journey, is that it multiplies. We see these wonderful things in our son.    All of these things for us,  adds up to our beautiful love story."

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