The YOU MATTER Movement


Our “Backstories” share a deeper ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at some of our stories, exhibitions and experiences in the making. It gives a snapshot into the moments that collectively went into creating the work we get to do every day. Sometimes it’s a more intimate portrait of one of our team here at RB/8 Billion Ones, and sometimes it’s about one of our incredible story heroes. Regardless, it’s our way of showing you a little more transparency so you get to witness the magic in so many of these moments the way we do.

"Don't Forget to Act Like a Child"

7 Billion Ones Randy Bacon Photography

(Backstory By Shannon Bacon)

Last week, we finished an unforgettable photoshoot with Madi and her brother, Blake. We will post their poignant story soon in is so special! After the shoot, a thought kept going through my head - "why do we stop seeing the world through the eyes of a child? When did we get so serious about everything?" Writer Chee Vai Tang says, "If we could see the world through the eyes of children, we would see the magic in everything."

I'm almost 49-years-old but am often told I still act like a "big kid", which is a compliment. I like to have fun, don't you? I've been told I'm like "a kid in a candy shop" - everywhere I go, I'm  visually in awe and have to stop and soak it all up. I have to smell the flowers, touch everything and walk slowly because, like a child on his first trip to a toy store, there is so much beauty to see in this world.

So meeting Blake reminded me to glimpse the world with new eyes, to give it a "double take." Doing so can make you feel renewed, and often the rediscovery can be better than the initial discovery itself. Blake hugged me 100 times, kissed my hand and we joked and talked about super villains (he celebrated his 32nd birthday with a Batman party!) I was so inspired to have my childhood "playmate" back. Blake is 32-years-old, but mentally he's about 8. He was born with a hole in his heart and epilepsy, along with other problems, on top of having an undiagnosed developmental delay, but is the happiest person I have ever met. Blake is a beautiful reminder to never stop looking at the world with childlike curiosity and passion for life and the unknown. Jump off the swing and play swat with super heroes, splash around in the rain puddles and skip down the grassy path in spring! Eat icecream for breakfast and do a crazy dance like there's no tomorrow in the middle of a store! Make lots of silly faces and sing at the top of your lungs to the radio in the car. Hug and laugh a lot and don't ever stop looking at the world with fresh eyes.


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