The YOU MATTER Movement


Our “Backstories” share a deeper ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at some of our stories, exhibitions and experiences in the making. It gives a snapshot into the moments that collectively went into creating the work we get to do every day. Sometimes it’s a more intimate portrait of one of our team here at RB/8 Billion Ones, and sometimes it’s about one of our incredible story heroes. Regardless, it’s our way of showing you a little more transparency so you get to witness the magic in so many of these moments the way we do.

"Giving Is the Best Gift"

Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. We are bombarded with the message to buy, buy and buy, which is fun and good, but can easily cloud our vision to what the holidays and life are about --- living out each day giving love. With this in mind, what happens Tuesday? "Giving Tuesday" (#GivingTuesday) will be celebrated tomorrow as a global day of philanthropy dedicated to giving back --- a way to give love to the world. Giving Tuesday makes me ask: what gives your life significance? What can we do as individuals and as a community to give back, not only on Giving Tuesday, Thanksgiving and Christmas, but all year-round? It doesn't take much - a hug, a smile, or offering someone a hot meal goes a long way. Do you have time to give, listen, or help? It doesn't always mean means love, time, patience and support.


I have found most of the joy in my life comes from giving back to others and keeping in check that what I do to make my living is second to living a life of significance. I used to measure my self-significance by my job, how busy and important I seemed and by how many items I could mark off of my to-do list. Now, I realize true joy comes from giving back. This is in part why we founded 7 Billion Ones (7B1's) in April, 2015. 7B1's is already reaching over 100,000 people per month, and we're just getting started! People are grabbing on to the power of our story movement, and lives are being changed!

Leading into our next phase, we are proud to announce that we are now a non-profit, founded on this simple mission: "7 Billion Ones exists to document and share stories to connect and empower people." Our vision is "to change the world through people and their stories."  

Amy Cancer Survivor

Amy Wallace is a great example as 23-years-ago the doctors told her she had three months to live. Yet now, Amy is alive and healthy and shared her story to help give hope to others. "I cannot say thank you enough to 7 Billion Ones! Sharing my story and being part of this movement has truly been an amazing gift to me.  I have always wanted to share my story but I really didn't understand fully the impact it could have. I hear from people daily, some I know and some I do not, about how moved they were by the story. I want to share more through your project. I want to be involved beyond my own story.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude!", says Amy.

So, how can you give "love" to 7B1's?  Tell people about the movement and refer them to our website, You can like, comment and follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and share these stories of hope and healing with family and friends. You can tell us YOUR story or refer a friend. If you can help the movement monetarily, click HERE to learn more about making your tax deductible donation, which will greatly help propel and support 7B1's. Every little bit helps and we cannot do this without you!  You are a gift to us.

Randy BaconComment