It Knows No Face presents an extensive series of large scale, intimate black and white portraits by Randy Bacon (Founder of 8 Billion ones, artist and photographer) of suicide survivors - individuals that lost a loved one to suicide or are personally dealing with suicidal thoughts, ideation, and/or attempts. This exhibit includes corresponding raw, heartfelt stories from each person talking candidly about suicide and the impact it has on their lives. In addition, Bacon and producing partners and supporters created a powerful series of short films featuring the subjects talking openly, truthfully and unbridled about the topic of suicide.
It Knows No Face has a mission through an exhibit and series of short films to bring a powerful voice to the topic of suicide - a topic that for too long has been avoided, misjudged and misunderstood. We want to not only bring awareness, but also present a effective tool of hope and healing and prevention with "It Knows No Face" because it is not okay that we will lose almost one million of our loved ones this year to suicide --- one person every forty seconds! With the recent celebrity deaths of Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain and Margot Kidder the topic of suicide is across headlines throughout the world. However, people still avoid the topic and any discussion, yet the rate of suicide continues to grow significantly. With this in mind, It Knows No Face was championed to become a strong, much needed ‘voice’ for the deliberately silenced or the preferably unheard - people that are directly dealing with suicide. This very important project and movement’s mission is to become a powerful tool to create measurable, positive change regarding mental illness and suicide. It Knows No Face is truly unlike anything previously produced on the topic of suicide. As the title denotes, It Knows No Face will clearly relay the face that suicide crosses all demographics - age, ethnicity, race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.
It Knows No Face has been exhibited at the Springfield National Airport, Missouri State University, Bolt Gallery of Art in Fort Collins, Colorado, Hickory Museum of Art in North Carolina and other venues
Brought to you in partnership with
National Alliance on Mental Illness-SWMO
Timberline Church
UC Health
Imagine Zero
3 Hopeful Hearts
Safe Kids Larimer County
Alliance of Suicide Prevention of Larimer County
And made possible through the generous support and compassion from
Annie Busch
Dr. Cindy Baker, Touchstone Counseling

If you're interested in bringing “It Knows No Face” to your art gallery, museum, event, community, school, university, organization, etc, please contact us here for more details. (This exhibit currently consists of 24 portraits, each with their stories, and 24 individual short films of each of these storytellers)