The YOU MATTER Movement


Mahailya Chapter 2: "Recovery"

Photography by Randy Bacon


There are over 23 million Americans in substance abuse recovery today. Mahailya was once there and tells her harrowing story of in Chapter 1 "Addiction" and life after drug abuse in Chapter 2 "Recovery"



"I have been clean and sober for almost two years. Looking back now, I should have fought for my marriage and stayed in church. I know there are many addicts in this world but I want to let the ones still suffering know that a clean, good, happy life is possible! It's not easy, it's a long road, but if I was able to overcome this disease - than anyone can do it! I am a much stronger person, going through this. I see now how God does put you in places you need to be in order to be wise. Surviving drug addiction and prostitution, God used it to make me more responsible, a much better mom, and person -- so it was all worth it. Overcoming addiction was incredibly hard, but what got me through is that I prayed every day during my battle and that's about all you can do when you are that addicted. So my advice to anyone struggling with addiction, don't stop praying!



With my recovery, I have so much more compassion and empathy for others now -  I was numb and void when I was an addict. I felt like a robot, and I didn't care about anyone else except myself and my drugs. It was a horrible, cold life! Now that I am healthy again, my experiences have strengthened me and I actually want to be a substance abuse counselor. I have the biggest heart ever now, and I want to help people. I gained so much and that is what I focus on, not the ugly past. God is helping me use my past pain to help others and be a better person -- I couldn't be happier!"

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